Sugestões e feedbacks:

Now you are trying to escape the facility and you have to discover the password


  • A/D ---> (Mover para a esquerda e direita)
  • Space ---> (Atirar)

This is an early protoype of my horror-survival game. 

Synopsis: You are locked in a remote base in the lost continent of Vandary. There an arquealogical team finds a strange creature, dead long ago. Or that was what they thought. 


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Don't understand whatever language that is in the feedback forms so let me just type it here.

Game is too short. Expected too much from the detailed description. Atmosphere building not enough for a horror game. Screen too dark to figure out what's going on. 

The monster has a bit of cool animation though.

Can't walk after dying once. 

Password system not cool. No backspace key. And it's just brute forcing, which is downright bad.

Ending screen is just badly made in comparison to the gameplay. Looks like a game that was published in a rush.

Anyway keep up the effort :D